
The Good Stuff

Hello out there to everyone!
I hope that you are having a fantastic start
to spring.
It is one the most wonderful seasons I think.

Today I am sharing a boy project!
For March Hydrangea Hippo has the most
perfect kit for boys.
 I don't really get the chance to create for boys that often so it
was super fun.
I thought about my son the whole time while
This particular project I called
The Good Stuff.
When working on this project I
had thoughts of all the wonderful, and some not so, little
things boys like to collect.
I know my son is always collecting something
and stuffing them into little bags and pouches.
The mini compartments in this shadow box reminded
me of that. All the good stuff!

                                Each enclosed compartment can be opened and shut using the looped
                                ribbon opener attached to the tops. I couldn't make up my mind whether
                                or not to make this a tray or a wall hanging for pictures so I went with
                                both options. Just so much fun this was to do. Now I am a little afraid
                                to pass it along to my boy. Can you say rough! LOL!

                                I hope you have been inspired! Please come back real soon for yet
                                another project created with this wonderful kit!

 Thank you!


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